Global Earth Day | Enviral, Ecologi & George the Poet



Happy Global Earth Day 2021!

We have an exciting project to share with you from one of our wonderful Studio Members purpose-driven agency Enviral. They have teamed up with Bristol-based reforestation and climate action platform Ecologi for a Global Earth Day campaign featuring the wonderful George The Poet with the aim to plant three million trees. We couldn’t be more excited about this fab project – we feel like proud parents when our members create wonderful work which we can shout about!

Featuring the award-winning spoken word artist, George The Poet, the campaign aims to raise awareness around collective action and highlight the role of natural solutions in solving our climate crisis. The powerful video script, crafted by George The Poet, reflects the themes of hope and momentum and celebrates the role of nature in safeguarding our home. Watch the full video here. Launching on Earth Week, Ecologi and Enviral are looking to bring a hopeful and optimistic narrative to climate action, showcasing the power we have if we all work together. Having taken Ecologi nine months to plant its first one million trees, it took less than fourteen days to plant its last million, showing that the more people that unite, the quicker positive change will happen. Through this Earth Day campaign, Ecologi is hoping to change the conversation around climate change and result in 3 million trees being planted in seven days.

Joss Ford, Founder of Enviral comments: “As a communications agency we spend our days communicating the ways in which we can tackle the climate crisis and empowering brands and consumers to act. This campaign and the message its conveying is the reason we exist. We loved working alongside Ecologi and George The Poet to help bring together a powerful piece which reflects the feelings of hope and optimism and shows the power of collective action.” It’s hoped the impact of this campaign lives on long after Earth Day and works to inspire people to join the movement. Watch the full video here. Throughout Earth Week, Ecologi will plant 100 free trees for every new sign-up. If 1,000 people were to sign-up, over their lifetimes, every 100 trees planted would absorb the CO2 equivalent of: –  77,406 miles driven in a car –  3.7 million smartphones charged –  71 barrels of oil avoided Sign up or find out more about Ecologi  here.

We love sharing what our members have been up to, especially when their work has a positive impact on the world. Follow us on social to stay in the loop:  Instagram, Facebook and Twitter.

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This post was written by fiasco at .

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